Mato Grosso, Brazil Decarbonization Pathway Moves to Implementation

Mato Grosso Environmental Secretary Mauren Lazzaretti signing the State Carbon Neutral Plan

On October 25, 2021, Mato Grosso Governor, Mauro Mendes, and Environmental Secretary, Mauren Lazzaretti, announced the State’s historic new commitment to becoming “Carbon Neutral” by 2035. The State plans to achieve its carbon neutrality well before 2050 by implementing its Decarbonization Pathway developed by government and local stakeholders. This was made possible through technical and facilitative support by the Center for Climate Strategies (CCS) working in partnership with The Climate Group, Winrock International, and the GCF Task Force under the Climate Pathway Project.

Mato Grosso has an economy that is highly dependent upon natural resource extraction, including crop and livestock production and forestry. Its Decarbonization Pathway is highly targeted to these sectors with actions focused primarily on nature-based solutions through natural resource conservation and restoration, as well as the implementation of more sustainable land management practices in the forestry and agricultural sectors that address the needs of people and nature.
CCS is proud and honored to have supported the state of Mato Grosso in its journey to position itself as a remarkable example of ambition and commitment for other jurisdictions towards our “race to zero.”

The Climate Pathway Project supported states of Brazil, Mexico, and Peru to develop mid-century decarbonization approaches that stabilize Earth’s climate and improve resilience and to foster public-private collaboration on local community development, sustainable economic recovery, investment mobilization, health, and social equity through modern energy and natural resources uses. 


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