New York Climate Action Plan

In August of 2009 Governor David A. Paterson signed Executive Order No. 24  setting a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in New York State by 80 percent below the levels emitted in 1990 by the year 2050. The Executive Order also created the New York Climate Action Council (CAC) with a directive to prepare a draft Climate Action Plan by September 30, 2010. The Climate Action Plan assessed how all economic sectors could reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate change. The Plan also identified the extent to which such actions support New York’s goals for a clean energy economy.

The CAC drew on several advisory panels including an Integration Advisory Panel (IAP) made up of New Yorkers who provided advice and assisted the CAC in evaluating the best methods to achieve the Governor's GHG reduction goals and prepare New York communities and natural resources for the impacts of  climate change. CAC representatives and IAP members participated in Technical Work Groups (TWGs) representing the key sectors of the states' economy. Four technical work groups focussed on "mitigation" -- ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A fifth TWG will addressed "adaptation" -- measures that will safeguard public health, the environment, and our infrastructure from expected climatic changes. The work of the TWGs informed the decision making of the CAC and the New York Climate Action Plan. In addition, the 2050 Visioning Advisory Panel offered guidance and long-term perspective to the CAC, TWGs, and IAP on key design options available to achieve the Executive Order’s goal of a low-carbon, climate-change-resilient New York State by year 2050.  

  • Technical and facilitation support for the State Climate Action Plan (Interim Report)


Minnesota Climate Strategies and Economic Opportunities (CSEO) Project
